Dirty Plot

A “Dirty Plot” (DPP) is a term used by the council for plots that have been neglected and are in an unsatisfactory condition.

The process for managing dirty plots is set out in your tenancy agreement. However, the process is outlined below.

The Site Secretary will try and contact the plot holder in the first instance to see if they are experiencing any problems and if any help can be given. This help will come from other plot holders or the Plymyard Hall Allotment Association, not the council and is, therefore, entirely voluntary.

If the plot has not improved following the next site visit, the council will issue a Dirty Plot Notice giving the tenant 30 days to make progress. If improvements are made, the DPP is rescinded and the plot monitored for the next few site inspections

If satisfactory improvements are not made within the time period, a Notice to Quit (NTQ) is issued. This gives the tenant a further 30 days to remove any equipment or produce. This decision is final and is not a last opportunity for the tenant to clean the plot up.