Tomatoes: Early Blight

Early blight is a disease that attacks the plants foliage, stems and the fruit of tomatoes.

When does early blight affect plants

  • During early to mid season
  • Humid weather
  • Periods of heavy rain

What does early blight look like?

  • Brown to Black 1/4″ to 1/2″ spots on the lower leaves and stems
  • Spots on fruit often start near the stem
  • Lower leave turn yellow and drop off

How to treat early blight

  • Remove and destroy infected leaves (see below)
  • With a bio-fungicide and fungicide as soon as possible

How to prevent blight

  • Rotate crops. Spores can remain dormant for several years
  • Plant disease resistant hybrids
  • Plant in raised beds to improve drainage
  • Give tomato plants space – more than 24 inches to allow air to circulate amongst the leaves
  • Water the soil, not the plant
  • Stake plants for better circulation
  • Remove and destroy affected plants

An excellent article regarding Blight….

Tomato Blight: Control and Prevention of Late Blight In UK Gardens & Allotments