PHAA Official Info

2022 AGM September.

Following the 2022 AGM in September, we have the following committee:

Chair – Paul Fletcher, plot 13

Treasurer – Pasanee Irvine plot 62

Secretary – John Prior plot 11

Committee members:

Pam Stein (Site Secretary) plot 39
Lyn Fletcher plot 14b
Steve Moran & Jill Moran plot 34
Vicky Farrell & Tony Farrell plot 32b
Steven Irvine plot 62
Peter Teague plots 45 & 46
Craig Davies
Jane Skilling
Jim Gallagher plot 40

The Committee are all volunteer plot holders and our aims are to promote allotmenteering and provide a collective voice for the communal areas.

When possible, we will also support other plot holders who are struggling with their plots for a temporary period of time.

The Functions of the roles within the community.

  • The Site Secretary is appointed by the council and is responsible for keeping up to date records of plot holders, managing the waiting list and is the main link to the council.
  • The Chair ensures the committee functions properly at meeting and that matters are discussed and decisions made and carried out
  • The Treasurer oversees the funds
  • The Secretary ensures that meetings are minuted correctly

Minutes of Meetings – Click Here

For Donations and payments to the allotment association please use either of the following.

Pay Pal = PHAA-Wirral
(Please Use Friends and Family otherwise we pay fees)

Association Bank Account

Plymyard Hall Allotment Association
Account Number 56526806
Sort Code 01-07-02