Commitee Meeting Minutes – 2023

Minutes of meetings are made public as soon as possible after the meeting. They are not ratified until the following meeting. Minutes will be removed and archived after 3 months

(Newest first)

Plymyard Hall Allotment Association Committee Meeting

Minutes for 26 January 2023

In Attendance
John Prior (JP); Paul Fletcher (PF); Lynne Fletcher (LF); Paul Huston (PH); Pam
Stein (PS); Tony Farrell (TF); Steve Moran (SM)
Jim Gallagher, Jill Moran, Pasanee Irvine, Steve Irvine, Craig Davies, Vicky Farrell

  1. Minutes of the last meeting
    Minutes accepted as true record.
  2. Matters arising
    No matters arising
  3. Treasurers Report
    a. Treasurer report to be provided
  4. Site Secretaries Report
    a. Site now full.
    b. Due to cases of recent vandalism on the A41 side plotholders have been
    urged to remain vigilant and to ensure the gates are locked at all times. The
    cemetery gates have been adapted to ensure that the gates can be locked
  5. Social Calendar
    a. This item has been deferred until the next meeting.
  6. Association Name and Logo
    a. A competition was run for someone to create an logo and name for the new
    shop. The name of the new shop will be ‘The Patch’ and the logo is as shown
  7. Shop Opening
    a. After discussion it was decided that the opening of the shop will be on
    Saturday 18 Feb at 1030. This will be communicated to all Full and Associate
    members via Whatsapp and will be placed on our facebook page and
    website. Purchases will be cash only
  8. Next Meeting
    a. The next committee meeting will be 23 Feb at the Argyle commencing at

Paul Fletcher John Prior
Chair PHAA Secretary