PHAA Membership Specifics

Association Bank Account

We have an allotment association (PHAA), run by the elected committee for the benefit of members on our site.
Membership runs from Jan to Dec each year and the current cost is held at just £12 annually for the primary plot holder. Additional helpers can join and receive the benefits for an additional £3 per person (not essential, but can be beneficial.)
(Having a plot and paying the council the annual rent for that plot is separate from association membership, and does not confer membership to PHAA.)
We usually encourage members to pay the fee in Feb, giving everyone a break from paying in Jan, so soon after Xmas, but it is considered to cover Jan-Dec.

What’s it for?

  • £7 towards site insurance covering individual plots and events etc.
  • £3 for NAS membership for the primary plot holder.
  • £2 towards site community funds.
  • Optional – Each additional person on a plot is £3 for membership of the NAS

Don’t delay and join now, support the community and enjoy the benefits of being PHAA members, including NAS membership and its associated benefits, keener pricing in the imminently opening site shop, and be fully insured (see details below for an overview.)
You can pay via Paypal, Bank Transfer (details below) and in person to a committee member at any time.

Plymyard Hall Allotment Association
Account Number 56526806
Sort Code 01-07-02

Join at the site shop any time and enjoy member pricing immediately!

Paypal details – Please be sure to pay Friends and Family otherwise your payment will incur a fee which they deduct from your payment, which will then be a little short –


The association is non-profit making and aims include:
a. to promote the horticultural interests of all Allotment members
b. to safeguard Plymyard Hall Site for continued use as allotments. The more members we have the greater the voice
c. to help new tenants establish their plot through advice
d. to organise & promote fund raising events for the site
e. to develop & maintain a community spirit
f. to develop & maintain community areas
g. We aim to open a shop on site for the benefit of all members (finally happening this weekend 18/02/23)
h. To purchase equipment, skips (when needed) etc for use by all members
i. Finally, a sense of belonging to something that is working for the common good

Membership of the NAS (National Allotment Society)
(currently £3 per year and incorporated in your PHAA membership fee)

  • Full access to the members area of the NAS website Quarterly e-news.
  • Access to digital magazine in the members are of the website for all affiliates.
  • Access to initial legal advice on a range of issues e.g. tenancy agreements, leases, land disputes, rent rises, health and safety, environmental, contract and company law and data protection*.
  • Template documents
  • Support to develop sites or move to devolved management
  • Advice and support if your site is under threat
  • Associations can also enrol their members on to the free individual Allotmenteers’ Liability Insurance (see information below)
  • The Kings Seed scheme, which offers further discounts for bulk orders from the already discounted catalogue; facility to order on-line.
  • Retail offers
  • Association affiliates can also access the gardening advice

(NAS) Allotmenteers Liability Insurance Cover
(an inclusive NAS membership benefit.)

This insurance benefit has been arranged for the following member types :- Societies/Associations, Individual and Life

The benefit forms part of the subscription of the NAS and in order to be added to the policy the member must enrol into the scheme.
Whilst you remain a fully-paid-up member, insurers will indemnify you against all sums which you become legally liable to pay as damages and claimants’ costs and expenses arising out of:

  • accidental Injury to any person or accidental loss of or damage to property
  • accidental Injury to any person or accidental loss of or damage to property caused by produce sold or given away

Where such Injury or loss or damage occurs during the Period of Insurance within the Territorial Limits and in connection with

  • your activities as an individual Allotmenteer or Leisure Gardner
  • the organisation of, holding and attending meetings, competitions and events subject to the listed restrictions

This Insurance:

  • is provided up to a limit of £5,000,000
  • is operative anywhere in the UK

The Association is also covered by a separate Public Liability Insurance to ensure we are covered for any attendees to events such as Monthly Big breakfast, and any other events and shows etc. This insurance is paid from association funds.

Coverage: Public Liabilities of the Club and its members
Cover under members Liability includes:

  • The members immediate family – spouses (including common law and civil partnerships), parents and children
  • Friends – When gardening at the Member’s allotment so long as the member is present